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Saluda River NAVHDA is a membership based non-profit corporation. We are a chartered chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association and are based near the town of Silverstreet, in Newberry County, SC.

We exist to help versatile dog owners and handlers with the training and testing of the versatile breeds as defined by NAVHDA. We aim to help those of all skill levels get the most out of the relationship with their dog and test their training to the NAVHDA standards along the way. We assist our members with conducting training/testing scenarios at all NAVHDA levels, from Natural Ability to Invitational.

We invite you to join us for training days, NAVHDA tests and annual seminars. New members are always welcome. Please visit our Membership page if you are interested in joining the chapter.

The Saluda River Chapter will hold an Aims and Rules Clinic March 22 and 23. This is a two day clinic for handlers only (no dogs). See  the signup form in the forms tab for more information.